While reading:

My partner Andy's Blog for this Project

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Boiler #1/Destroyed Model

Model by Matt Williams

So I know, I know.  It needs more gauges and pipes and such, but for now its going to be the placeholder for setting up the destructible boiler mechanic in UDK.  Also I'm not going to actually have the rivets modeled for the final boiler, they will be part of a normal map.  Been working on this on and off for the past couple days.

  Model by Matt Williams

And here is the destroyed model.  Decided to go with banana peel style.  So I'm gonna bring it into UDK, make an explosion, then as the explosion is happening and the player camera is shaking, I will swap the models.  I will also have a couple of the separate pieces of the boiler(gauges, thermometers, pipes, etc) as hidden k-actors (physics object), then unhide the objects in the explosion and activate an impulse actor that will shoot the pieces in various directions  Its all fun and games :).  Any questions/comments?

 Andy's Blog

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