While reading:

My partner Andy's Blog for this Project

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Map Layout/Blocking

Sketch by Matt Williams
Sketch for the basic layout of the map

Blocking/Coloring by Matt Williams, Hand Drawn art by Andy Hernandez
This shows the basic layout of our map, rendered from Maya.  The map is intended to be a capture the flag map with the two green blocks as the opposing bases.  There will be an underground river running under the town, ankle high water and accessible to the players.  There will be access at the base of the waterfall and by the wall at the bottom.  The two red squares are staircases that lead down to the underground river.  The circle at the center of town is a well that the player can jump down.

Drawing by Andy Hernandez
This is a rough layout of the underground.  It has changed a little bit, but this is the basic layout.

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