While reading:

My partner Andy's Blog for this Project

Monday, September 27, 2010

Post-Process Cel Shading

So I've been working on a post-processing shader to do the cel shading instead of a material on the individual objects.  This essentially is applied to the world properties instead of each object.  I haven't been able to get it working exactly right yet, which is why I haven't posted much lately.  I'll keep trying though.  I've also been modeling a little bit, but not a whole lot.  Thanks for reading!

Andy's Blog

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Cel Shading Success...sorta

 Materials by Andy Hernandez and Matt Williams, Model/Texture from UDK

Ok so yeah...bird...random.  Yet this is one of the few things in the UDK library with a legitimate specular map, which was included in the tutorial, and I know you can sorta fake a spec map in the material editor.  Anyways, I worked on what I learned from Mastering Unreal Vol 2 and this TF2 shading tutorial to implement a texture onto a model using Andy's cel shading material.  So it needs some tweaking, but you can see the toon line on the legs and around the head.  This was the last 4 hours of my life.  Back to modeling.  I really want to know how they did it on borderlands, whether the toon line was post processed or done with the material.  Anyways if anybody knows, please share your knowledge.  Thanks.\

Andy's Blog

Thursday, September 23, 2010


So I just went back to mess around with the chairs a little bit more and realized a pretty big problem.  It works great for shooting the chairs, but they fall apart if you run into them too.  I want to be able to kick the chairs around, but if I shoot them, they fall apart/blow up.  So I'm trying to come up with a solution, I might do the same thing that I'm going to do for the boilers.  Have the destructible static mesh hidden and parented to an indestructible mesh, but when shot with a gun/rocket launcher, the meshes switch out and the destructible one falls apart.  I feel like I am just missing one simple checkbox that would solve all my problems.  Also the internet is pretty much useless for this topic for some reason.

Andy's Blog 

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Jail in progress

Model by Matt Williams
Art by Wirt Salthouse

Been working on the jail tonight, just thought I'd send an update out with this and a link to Andy's awesome perseverance for getting cel shading/toon lines working in UDK.  He found a tutorial in Mastering Unreal Vol 2 and put it to good use.  Safe to say that we are going to use cel shading in our game.

The jail is based off of this concept art and the model is nowhere near finished, but I want try and post what I do every night.

Andy's Cel Shading Post

Monday, September 20, 2010

UDK Trap

All UDK by Matt Williams

As I said previously, I decided to set up a trap within UDK using Kismet, which is a sort of visual programming platform.  What happens is that the trigger on the left is not active, therefor going near it does nothing.  When you go over to the trigger on the right and hit the use key("E"), it activates an ambient sound by the left trigger, and activates a "touch trigger" node in Kismet for the left trigger.  Now if I go near the left trigger, I will get blown up.  As a result, I now have a trap.

Andy's Blog 


Currently I am working on the Kismet event for setting a proximity trap that will kill another player.  The way it will work is a player walks by a boiler(all over the place, steampunk) and activates a trap device.  Now whenever another player draws near the boiler they will hear a sound(basically the other player's only heads up, but it will be subtle so they have to be looking out for it).  If they get too close, the device detonates and blows up the player and the boiler.  I don't have a boiler yet, but I'm going to get the sequence working.  It should be done by Monday night.

Andy's Blog

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Andy Hernandez

I have forgotten to post a link to my partner's blog for this project.  I will post it at the bottom of every post from now on

Andy's Blog

Pretty Chairs, All Blowing up in a Row

Modeling and UDK work by Matt Williams

Decided to bring my chair into unreal and make it destructible...hoorayyyyy.  Now I have to tackle the issue of making it so that the player can kick it around without it falling apart.  I think I'm going to have one combined static mesh(with "can become dynamic" enabled), so that it can be kicked around.  At the same time I will have a trigger that reacts to weapon fire, when it is hit, the combined static mesh is switched out with the modular static meshes and an impulse trigger is applied to make it fall apart. yayyyy

Previous Work Powerpoint

The following link is to my powerepoint presentation, showing some of my previous work and some of my other ideas for this project


Chair Model

Model by Matthew Williams
Began Modeling a simple chair for a previous project over the summer and decided to finish it and include it in this project.  Still requires texturing.  I will be creating variations in the model and in the textures to create about 10 different chairs to use throughout the level, just so its not the same copy and paste chair.  Anyways, I am going for destructible assets and i'm excited to test it out.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Map Layout/Blocking

Sketch by Matt Williams
Sketch for the basic layout of the map

Blocking/Coloring by Matt Williams, Hand Drawn art by Andy Hernandez
This shows the basic layout of our map, rendered from Maya.  The map is intended to be a capture the flag map with the two green blocks as the opposing bases.  There will be an underground river running under the town, ankle high water and accessible to the players.  There will be access at the base of the waterfall and by the wall at the bottom.  The two red squares are staircases that lead down to the underground river.  The circle at the center of town is a well that the player can jump down.

Drawing by Andy Hernandez
This is a rough layout of the underground.  It has changed a little bit, but this is the basic layout.

Concept Art/Sketches

Sketch by Wirt Salthouse
Some concept sketches for the prison.

 Sketch by Wirt Salthouse
More finalized version of the prison

Art by Wirt Salthouse, Base model by Andy Hernandez
This is the general style of assets that we want, but the art style will be more realistic.

First Entry

First Entry: Captain's Log
Stardate:  09/15/2010

Ok.  So I had to make a Star Trek reference.  This is my first blog entry, ever.  So I created this blog as a means to keep track of my work during my senior year at the Savannah College of Art and Design.  For the next two months I will be chronicling my work in Studio 1.  I am working with Andy Hernandez on a Mexican Steampunk multiplayer map in the Unreal Development Kit(UDK).  Now, we will not be doing custom characters, weapons, or items, but the environment will be all custom assets.  I'm excited beyond belief to be starting this project and I will make sure that I update this blog regularly.  I will talk with Andy about posting some of the concept art and screenshots of what we have blocked out in Maya.  I will make sure that I am as detailed as possible in my descriptions of everything that is going on with the project and any screenshots that I post.  I will be linking this with Andy's Blog, so you will also have a second look at things we do together and pieces of work he is doing by himself for this project.  I'm looking forward to keeping you all posted, whoever you may be.

Programs in use:
Autodesk Maya
Autodesk Mudbox
Pixologic Zbrush 4.0
Epic Game's UDK(July Release)
Photoshop CS5
Crazy Bump
And i'm sure a few more
