While reading:

My partner Andy's Blog for this Project

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Cel Shading Success...sorta

 Materials by Andy Hernandez and Matt Williams, Model/Texture from UDK

Ok so yeah...bird...random.  Yet this is one of the few things in the UDK library with a legitimate specular map, which was included in the tutorial, and I know you can sorta fake a spec map in the material editor.  Anyways, I worked on what I learned from Mastering Unreal Vol 2 and this TF2 shading tutorial to implement a texture onto a model using Andy's cel shading material.  So it needs some tweaking, but you can see the toon line on the legs and around the head.  This was the last 4 hours of my life.  Back to modeling.  I really want to know how they did it on borderlands, whether the toon line was post processed or done with the material.  Anyways if anybody knows, please share your knowledge.  Thanks.\

Andy's Blog

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