While reading:

My partner Andy's Blog for this Project

Thursday, September 23, 2010


So I just went back to mess around with the chairs a little bit more and realized a pretty big problem.  It works great for shooting the chairs, but they fall apart if you run into them too.  I want to be able to kick the chairs around, but if I shoot them, they fall apart/blow up.  So I'm trying to come up with a solution, I might do the same thing that I'm going to do for the boilers.  Have the destructible static mesh hidden and parented to an indestructible mesh, but when shot with a gun/rocket launcher, the meshes switch out and the destructible one falls apart.  I feel like I am just missing one simple checkbox that would solve all my problems.  Also the internet is pretty much useless for this topic for some reason.

Andy's Blog 

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